Spiritual Medium
As a Spiritual Medium I channel messages from spirit. Connecting with those in different phases of existence. Loved ones who have passed into spirit, spirit guides and the angelic realm may come through to offer guidance and clarity in your life. Those seeking healing shall receive divinely guided messages through a heart to heart connection.
“I’d like to thank you for the Reiki and Reading Session of a Lifetime! I often travel back to that healing and recall things I didn’t realize at the time. Talk about the gift that keeps on giving ~ the entire week was about healing ~ you were the catalyst that helped me wake up. I am forever grateful.” ~ Mona C.~

Teresa at Inspiration Stump
My primary way of receiving information from spirit is through Clairsentience (clear feeling). I also receive through Clairaudience (clear hearing) and Clairvoyance (clear seeing).
Mediumship readings provide answers to spiritual questions, practical guidance, tremendous comfort and healing as well as peace of mind.
“Say no goodbyes to those we love, though they have passed from view. Our mortal eyes seem not to see the truth that our hearts do. Love is of the spirit and exists beyond these shores. Love still flows between us, now and forever more.” ~ Conscious Companion ~

Shirley & Teresa
Compassion Brings Help from Higher Sources
I have a “passion for compassion,” sincere commitment, strong spiritual intentions, and a vibrational alignment within that allows spirit to flow through me in wonderful ways. Combined with a willingness and desire to help others with an uninhibited flow of love…I believe!
Thank you for allowing me to tune in and be an instrument for love, light peace and joy, for one and all. I am grateful, honored and blessed that I have been given the opportunity to serve Spirit and Humanity.
“There is no death, only a beautiful transition from one state of life to another. No beginnings or endings, just an extraordinary journey and progression of the soul, as the consciousness perpetually develops, grows and refines.” ~ David Cunliffe ~
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Please note: Your mediumship reading is subject to your own interpretation. Contact with a specific spirit cannot be guaranteed. Information provided does not constitute business, financial, legal, medical, psychological or other professional advice. Each client is responsible for his or her own choices and/or actions.